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PodChaos Experiment

This document introduces how to create PodChaos experiments.


Currently, Chaos Mesh does not support simulation injection of naked pods. And it only supports some specific pods, such as deployment, statefulset, daemonset.

PodChaos allows you to simulate pod faults or specific container issue, specifically pod failure, pod kill and container kill. pod failure can be used to simulate a situation where a pod is down. In this case, the pod is unavailable for a long time.

  • Pod Failure action periodically injects errors to pods. And it will cause pod creation failure for a while. In other words, the selected pod will be unavailable in a specified period.

  • Pod Kill action kills the specified pod (ReplicaSet or something similar might be needed to ensure the pod will be restarted).

  • Container Kill action kills the specified container in the target pods.

pod-failure configuration file

Below is a sample pod-failure configuration file:

kind: PodChaos
name: pod-failure-example
namespace: chaos-testing
action: pod-failure
mode: one
value: ''
duration: '30s'
'': 'tikv'
cron: '@every 2m'

For more sample files, see examples. You can edit them as needed.

For a detailed description of each field in the configuration template, see Fields description.

pod-kill configuration file

Below is a sample pod-kill configuration file:

kind: PodChaos
name: pod-kill-example
namespace: chaos-testing
action: pod-kill
mode: one
- tidb-cluster-demo
'': 'tikv'
cron: '@every 1m'

For a detailed description of each field in the configuration template, see Fields description.

container-kill configuration file

Below is a sample container-kill configuration file:

kind: PodChaos
name: container-kill-example
namespace: chaos-testing
action: container-kill
mode: one
containerName: 'prometheus'
'': 'monitor'
cron: '@every 30s'

For a detailed description of each field in the configuration template, see Fields description.

Fields description

  • action defines the specific chaos action for the Pod. In this case, it is a Pod failure.
  • mode defines the mode to run chaos action. Supported mode: one / all / fixed / fixed-percent / random-max-percent.
  • value depends on the value of mode. If mode is one or all, leave value empty. If fixed, provide an integer of pods to do chaos action. If fixed-percent, provide a number from 0 to 100 to specify the percent of pods the server can do chaos action. If random-max-percent, provide a number from 0 to 100 to specify the max percent of pods to do chaos action.
  • selector specifies the target pods for chaos injections. For more details, see Define the Scope of Chaos Experiment.
  • containerName defines the target container name, it is needed by container kill action.
  • gracePeriod defines the duration in seconds before the pod should be deleted. It is used in pod-kill action, and its value must be non-negative integer. The default value is zero that indicates delete immediately.
  • duration defines the duration for each chaos experiment. The default value is 30s, which indicates that pod failure will last for 30 seconds.
  • scheduler defines the scheduler rules for the running time of the chaos experiment. For more rule information, see robfig/cron.